COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 Updates
The Charleston Tea Garden is thrilled to welcome you here with us! We are excited to share with you how we grow, harvest, and produce our American grown tea! And remember, admission is free!
During this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic, Charleston Tea Garden is devoted to the safety and well-being of our staff and visitors. We are implementing appropriate protocols and policies to provide an enjoyable and memorable visit, while also providing a safe environment to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation with our requests and welcome any suggestions.
The following safety measures are being taken:
Effective 6/4/2021 Charleston Tea Garden will allow guests who are fully vaccinated to enter without a face mask or face shield. We will not require proof of vaccination, but we ask for our guest’s responsible and respectful cooperation with this revised policy Our associates are required to wear a face mask while working.
Hand sanitizer stations are provided throughout the premises.
Please be considerate of others by following social distancing guidelines by staying at least 6 feet apart.
Gift Shop
A greeter will be at the door to answer questions and monitor gift shop entrance.
Plexiglas Sneeze Guards have been installed around the cash registers.
Credit card readers and counters will be sanitized after each use.
Our video guided factory tour will be running every 15 minutes.
The trolley tour has resumed operations with limited availability. Please check with our gift shop on arrival to find out more
Thank you for visiting Charleston Tea Garden! We hope you enjoy your visit with us today. Please let us know if we can be of assistance.